Sunday, August 14, 2011


Links to articles, programs, or other information for beginners:

For the Ladies:

This post will be a work in progress and expanded as I discover new links or remember old ones.

Lyle McDonald's Generic Bulking Routine

Workout A - Lower Body
Squat: 3-4x6-8 / 3' (3-4 sets of 6-8 with a 3' rest) 
SLDL or leg curl: 3-4x6-8 / 3' 
Leg press: 2-3x10-12 / 2' 
Another leg curl: 2-3x10-12 / 2' 
Calf raise: 3-4x6-8 / 3' 
Seated calf: 2-3x10-12 / 2' 

Workout B - Upper Body
Flat bench: 3-4x6-8 / 3' 
Row: 3-4x6-8 / 3' 
Incline bench or shoulder press: 2-3x10-12 / 2' 
Pulldown/chin: 2-3x10-12 / 2' 
Triceps: 1-2x12-15 / 1.5' 
Biceps: 1-2x12-15 / 1.5' 

*The number followed by the ' symbol means "minutes of rest between sets"

4x per week. Typically Mon-A, Tues-B, Thurs-A, Fri-B

Notes from Lyle about swapping exercises:

"For the Thu/Fri workouts either repeat the first two or make some slight exercise substitutions. Can do deadlift/leg press combo on Thu, switch incline/pulldown to first exercises on upper body day. A lot depends on volume tolerance, if the above is too much, go to 2-3X6-8 and 1-2X10-12"

Note: Lyle has not endorsed my comments on his routine. Below is only my suggestion:

I really like the idea of substituting exercises on the second set of workouts for the week. If you do this, it will give you a set up very similar to a 5/3/1 type of set up, where you place emphasis one main lift for each day. An example of the new exercise order (for the first 4 exercises) would be:

Mon (A) - Squat/SLDL/Leg Press/Leg Curl
Tues (B) - Flat Bench/Row/Shoulder Press/Pulldown
Thurs (A1) - Deadlift/Leg Press/Leg Curl/Leg Extension or another Leg Press movement
Fri - (B1) - Shoulder Press/Pulldown/Flat Bench/Row

For more information and frequently asked questions, refer to the Generic Bulk PDF
Check out Lyle McDonald's Website - for more fantastic info.
The Generic Bulk thread on Lyle's Forum

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe

This is a tried and true classic.

Workout A
Squat 3x5
Bench Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

Workout B
Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Power Cleans 5x3 

Alternate workouts A and B on nonconsecutive days 3x per week.

There's no point in me going into more detail than that when there's a multitude of great resources for this program on the web. Here are a few:

Starting Strength Wiki
Starting Strength Forum
Starting Strength Instructional Videos

3 Day Upper Body Focused Routine

Workout A
Bench Press  2-3x3-5
Row  2-3x3-5
Shoulder Press 2-3x6-8
 Pull Up or Lat Pulldown  2-3x6-8

Workout B
Squat  2-3x3-5
Straight Leg Deadlift or Leg Curl  2-3x6-8
Calf Raise  2-3x6-12
Abs  2-3x10-20

Workout C
Shoulder Press  2-3x3-5
Weighted Chin Up  2-3x3-5
Bench Press or Dips  2-3x8-12
Row  2-3x8-12

Add in a couple sets of bicep curls and tricep extensions on either the lower body day or at the end of upper body days, but not both. Don't go overboard.

Probably best to do 3 days per week, with at least 3-4 days between upper body workouts. Placement of workout B between workouts A and C is pretty flexible.

Example: Mon-A, Wed-B, Fri-C
               Mon-A, Tues-B, Thurs-C
               Mon-A, Thurs-B, Fri-C
              And many other possibilities. It's very flexible.

Who is this best for?
-Beginners/Intermediates with abnormally large/strong legs who need more focus on upper body work
-Intermediates involved in lower body intensive cardio during the week

Saturday, August 13, 2011

2 Day Full Body Split - with Zazzz

This workout routine uses the 2 day split as a base, but adds a little extra direct/isolation work if you feel you're missing out on that.

Workout A

Bench Press 3x3-5*
Squat 3x3-5* 

Row 3x5 
Side Lateral Raises 2-3x8-12 
Calf Raise 2-3x8-12
Bicep Curl 2-3x8-12 

Tricep Extension 2-3x8-12

Workout B

Military Press 3x3-5*
Deadlift 3x3-5*
Chin Up 3x5
Dips 2-3x8-12
Bicep Curl 2-3x8-12
Side Lateral Raise 2-3x8-12
Calf Raise 2-3x8-12

Warm up sufficiently and take all sets to 1 or 2 reps short of failure

*You can choose to either use the same weight across all sets (ex: 225 for all 3 sets of 5), or ramp the weights up by 10-20lbs each set (ex: 205x5, 225x5, 245x5), and make your 3rd set your all-out/max effort/“money set.”

Italicized exercises can either be done in straight sets or in super-sets (top 2 exercises = SS 1, bottom 2 = SS 2)

The first two exercises have a wider rep range (3-5 reps for bench, squat, military press, and deadlift) so you can start experimenting with heavier weights and work in a more strength/power rep zone.

3x per Week
Alternate between workouts A and B. Perform 3 workouts per week on non-consecutive days (1-on/1-2-off)
Example: Mon-A, Wed-B, Fri-A, Sun-B, Tues-A, Thurs-B, etc.
                 Mon-A, Wed-B, Fri-A, Mon-B, Wed-A, Fri-B.

2x per Week
Alternate between workouts A and B, and allow 2-3 days rest between workouts (1-on/2-3-off)
Example: Mon-A, Thurs-B, Sun-A, Wed-B, etc.
                 Mon-A, Thurs-B, Mon-A, Thurs-B, etc.

Who should use this?
-Intermediates who want to start focusing on aesthetic based training with a flexible training schedule.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

2-Day Full Body

Workout A
Bench Press 3x5
Squat 3x5
Row 3x5

Workout B
Military Press 3x5
Deadlift 3x5*
Chin Up 3x5

Warm up sufficiently and take all sets to 1 or 2 reps short of failure.

*You can choose to either use the same weight across all sets (ex: 225 for all 3 sets of 5), or ramp the weights up by 10-20lbs each set (ex: 205x5, 225x5, 245x5), and make your 3rd set your all-out/max effort/“money set.”

3x per Week
Alternate between workouts A and B. Perform 3 workouts per week on non-consecutive days (1-on/1-2-off)
Example: Mon-A, Wed-B, Fri-A, Sun-B, Tues-A, Thurs-B, etc.
                 Mon-A, Wed-B, Fri-A, Mon-B, Wed-A, Fri-B.

2x per Week
Alternate between workouts A and B, and allow 2-3 days rest between workouts (1-on/2-3-off)
Example: Mon-A, Thurs-B, Sun-A, Wed-B, etc.
                 Mon-A, Thurs-B, Mon-A, Thurs-B, etc.

Who should use this?
-Beginners who can't handle Starting Strength or Stronglifts
-Dieters looking to preserve strength while cutting fat
-Athletes involved in other sport specific activities who must keep weight training to a minimum.